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HomeNewsWarm weekend temperatures a warning for clogged City drains

Warm weekend temperatures a warning for clogged City drains

Prince George is ready to unclog some storm drains and manholes with the expected snow melt this weekend.

As temperatures work their way above zero degrees, this could cause rapid melting on City streets, leading to possible traffic issues and localized flooding.

Utility Division crews are set to work on more than 5,500 drains, monitoring different parts of the City and responding to problems as quickly as they can.

PG uses special GPS mapping and metal detectors to locate drains and steel grates buried under snow and ice, and use hot water steam units to prevent meltwater.

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However, residents are also being asked to call the City directly if they notice drainage problems or major flooding in their area.

This will allow crews to prioritize and plan their daily routine.

For more information, you can click here.

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