City Council recently withdrew its support to put the facility at 18th and Foothills. The proposed bus hub will have a fuel pump, washing station, garages, and a new eco-friendly bus fleet.
Infrastructure funding for projects like this is usually split 50/50 between the Province of BC and the applying community. However, if the facility is finished by March 2019, the federal government will cover half the cost, leaving the provincial government to cover just a third, and Prince George on the hook for 17% of the $23 million project. That cuts the city’s infrastructure share from $12.5 million to $3.91 million (does not include costs of land).
BC Transit Spokesperson Johnathon Dyck says everyone involved is already backtracking through their notes.
“We’re revisiting properties that were previously identified when we came up with this preferred location and we’re looking to see if there’s anything else that’s available in Prince George.”
If the city doesn’t meet the deadline, there’s another round of funding in the future. Details of that haven’t been released.
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