The BC Teachers Federation (BCTF) and the provincial government have reached a tentative agreement less than four months after the employer’s appeal victory in the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC).
A deal could be seen as early as next week when a vote takes place that could potentially end 15 years of debate.
“The tentative agreement, if ratified, will allow the next school year to start with thousands more teachers, smaller class sizes, better class composition, and specialist-teacher ratios,” said BCTF President Glen Hansman in a statement.
However, no decision will be made until the voting is complete, which Hansman says will include BCTF members.
“Now, which this tentative agreement achieves, teachers will see full restoration of our working conditions. If ratified, schools right across BC will see smaller classes, more specialists like counsellors, special education teachers, and learning assistance teachers, and more support for children with special needs.”
Education Minister Mike Bernier understands both parties have dealt with complex issues for a significant amount of time, but hopes to better relationships in the years to come.
“If ratified, it will build on the $100 million for up to 1,100 new teachers announced in January’s interim agreement with the BCTF and the record funding increase we just announced in the budget.”
The agreement vote is scheduled to take place from March 8th to 10th.
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