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HomeNewsINT'L Women’s Day breakfast celebrates diversity, boldness for change

INT’L Women’s Day breakfast celebrates diversity, boldness for change

The North Central Labour Council is hosting the International Women’s Day breakfast for the 15th consecutive year.

Council Vice-President and organizer Natalie Fletcher says this year’s theme follows the global message of being bold for change.

She’s expecting a sold-out crowd has it has been every year.

“We’re really excited; we’re doing things a little bit differently. We’ve got a panel to celebrate diversity in women in the community. Generally in the past, we’ve had speakers and this year we’re just doing things a little differently.”

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This is Fletcher’s fifth year co-organizing the event and says she feels honoured to interact with those who care.

“I just enjoy seeing everybody every year when we come and it’s just nice to touch base with such a wonderful event.”

The breakfast buffet will include eggs, bacon, sausage, and fresh fruit.

The event takes place 9AM at the Coast Inn of the North.

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