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HomeNewsLocal man creates Garage Sale finding app

Local man creates Garage Sale finding app

If you find yourself often browsing through garage sales, you’ll enjoy a new app created by local man.

Travis Lutz is the founder of GLICKIN, a phone app that maps garage sales and lists them based on proximity to the user.

He made the app after a frustrating experience that garage salers know too well.

“I tried chasing down a garage sale sign and wasted ten minutes getting to that garage sale. When I finally did make it there, after punching the address into google maps myself, I was dissatisfied with the garage sale that I did finally arrive at.”

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Lutz believes that GLICKIN will resolve issues like this.

“It’s 100%, absolutely free so you have nothing to lose and I really think that there’s still a couple good, solid months of garage saling.”

Lutz was a Kelly Road Secondary graduate and now lives in Grande Prairie, Alberta.

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