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HomeNewsSeniors Complex coming to Ron Brent Park?

Seniors Complex coming to Ron Brent Park?

City Council passed third reading of a potential affordable living seniors home in Ron Brent park last night (Mon).

After seeing the developer’s presentation, many councillors and gallery members were on board with the project.

Connaught Youth Centre Society President Bill Neilson hopes the city will compensate with the nearby youth group.

“Basically I want us to be looked after, we have bee neglected over the years and are one of the few facilities that have a paid parking lot, so if you are going to take that away from us please pay for our lot.”

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Mayor Lyn Hall says Monday was one of the better public consultations he’s seen.

“Everybody that came out to talk about the project had a request we look at something different to consider something they were wanting to propose and it was just a good interaction of ideas during the public hearing.”

The Developer says the building would mean $30 million dollars in local revenue.

Council will discuss the public recommendations and a fourth reading later this month.

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