A lot of the gambling revenue generated in Prince George is being re-invested into the community.
According to the BC Lottery Corporation. there were 122 gaming grant recipients in our area last year including:
- $196,800 for the Prince George Youth Soccer Association;
- $179,900 for the Prince George Regional Art Gallery Association;
- $150,000 for the Northern BC Friends of Children Society; and
- $150,000 for the Canadian Mental Health Association of Northern BC
BCLC Spokesperson, Matt Lee told MyPGNow.com the funding is critical to the success of many groups in the area.
“They would tell you that they depend on funding through the community gaming grants themselves to keep their operations going. When you look at Prince George there are certainly a lot of local organizations, 122 grant recipients in Prince George alone.”
“Truly, I think that demonstrates what is played here, stays here. When you play with BCLC that funding stays right here in the province and goes right toward the community programs that we all count on.”
Last year, over three million dollars was generated by the Treasure Cove Casino to fund local initiatives.
Since 1997, just under 57-million in provincial gambling revenue has been shared with the City of Prince George.
Over $1.8 million-dollars in prize money was paid out for 236 winning lottery tickets purchased in PG during 2023.
For a full breakdown at how gambling contributes to the local economy, click here.
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