The Regional District of Fraser-Fort George green-lit its 2025 budget and five-year financial plan.
This year’s operating and capital expenditures will total $60.7 million dollars, a seven percent increase when compared to 2024.
Most of the other funding is from grants, user fees and reserve funds.
“The 2025 budget reflects rising financial pressure from inflation, regulatory requirements and asset management. The budget strives to balance managing costs with strategic investments in capital projects in services such as solid waste management and 9-1-1 emergency response,” said Lara Beckett, Regional District Board Chair.
Significant budget expenditures for this year will include Environmental Health ($19.8 million), Public Health and Welfare ($10.8 million), Protective Services ($9.7 million) and General Government ($9.5 million).
Last year’s tax rate for the City of Prince George was $41.87 and will increase 4.0% this year.
The RDFFG budget and financial plan impacts residents in PG, Mackenzie, Valemount, McBride and its seven electoral areas.
In addition, recycling services are returning to McBride and Vanway Regional Transfer Stations this summer.
This week, the Board of Directors for the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George accepted the offer from Recycle BC to operate at each location.
There will be a total of five Recycle BC depots in the Regional District.
The existing locations are Quinn Street, Valemount and Mackenzie.
Laslty, Regional Grants in Aid were awarded to:
- Network of Emergency Support Services Teams for $2,000 for conference hosting costs
- Scouts Canada – Camp Hughes for $2,890 for a furnace
Community Grants in Aid and Recreation Grants in Aid were awarded to:
- District C Farmers’ Institute for $2,000 for the Annual Gathering of Farmers’ Institutes
- Northwest Invasive Plant Council for $25,000 for invasive plant management
Electoral Area A (Salmon River-Lakes)
- Ness Lake Recreation Commission for $3,891 for insurance
- Nukko Lake Elementary School PAC for $6,285 for a swim program
- Salmon Valley Community Association for $4,900 for operating expenses
- Salmon Valley Community Farmers Institute for $4,999 for programs and operating expenses
- Salmon Valley Gymkhana Club for $4,950 for operating expenses
Electoral Area D (Tabor Lake-Stone Creek)
- Buckhorn Elementary School PAC for $3,000 for a swim program
Electoral Area F (Willow River-Upper Fraser Valley)
- Eaglet Lake Farmers’ Institute for $4,200 for a fire suppression course
Electoral Area G (Crooked River-Parsnip)
- Bear Lake Recreation Association for $2,424 for fire safety signage and smoking receptacles
- Bear Lake Recreation Association for $1,000 for pick up and delivery costs
Electoral Area H (Robson Valley-Canoe)
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- Dome Creek Community Association for $1,450 for insurance
- Rocky Mountain Forest Academy Society for $500 for start-up costs
- Valemount Climbing Club for $6,500 for operating expenses