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HomeNewsCity of Prince George seeking feedback for public skating programs

City of Prince George seeking feedback for public skating programs

The City of Prince George launched a survey to collect feedback on its public skating programs.

The City said in a release its to understand how satisfied residents are with current programs, find ways on how they can be improved, and help form a new request for proposal (RFP) for program operators that will determine its programming for future skating seasons.

“The City’s contract with the current program operator is coming to a close at the end of this skating season so now is the perfect time to review what we offer and understand what residents would like to see at our arenas moving forward,” said Event Services Manager, Debbie Heywood.

“the input we gather through the survey will inform a new RFP that will be open for bidding on later this spring.”

North Edge Ice Sports current programs include:

  • Indoor public skating at the Elksentre and Kopar Memorial Arena
  • Adult drop-in hockey at Kin 2
  • Special events and private lessons

The survey can be filled out on the City’s website, and will be open until April 17th.

More detailed information can be found here.

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