The BC Teachers Federation Executive Committee will have some northern representation.
Delegates elected new members at large including Mary Lawrence of the Prince George Teachers Association as well as David Peterson of the Nechako Teachers Association.
The rest of the new Executive Committee includes First Vice-President Robin Tosczak and Second Vice-President Winona Waldron, both from the Greater Victoria Teachers’ Association as well as three others:
- Shannon Bowsfield from the Mission Teachers’ Union
- Adrienne Demers from the Fernie Teachers’ Association
- Frano Marsic from the Richmond Teachers’ Association
Next school year, these newly elected teachers will join the following currently sitting Executive Committee members:
- Jelana Bighorn from the Vancouver Secondary Teachers’ Association
- Brenda Celesta from the Kamloops Thompson Teachers’ Association
- Hallan Mtatiro from the Surrey Teachers’ Association
- Chris Perrier-Evely from the Nanaimo Teachers’ Association
- Trevana Spilchen from the Delta Teachers’ Association.
Additionally, the executive committee will also be losing two northern BC members as Katherine Trepanier and Mariah Franzmann, both of Prince George whose terms end in June.
Katherine served for 6 years on the executive while Mariah enjoyed a four-year stint.
In addition, Kelowna elementary school teacher Carole Gordon has been elected to serve as the next President of the BC Teachers’ Federation.
She previously served three years as Second Vice-President and three more years as First Vice-President.
Gordon takes the helm at the end of June 2025, when current President Clint Johnston completes his three-year term and takes up his new role in Ottawa as the elected President of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation.
Roughly 700 teachers from across the province gathered in Vancouver last weekend for the 109th Annual General Meeting.
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