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HomeNewsPortion of Ferguson Lake Trail to be closed for rehabilitation

Portion of Ferguson Lake Trail to be closed for rehabilitation

The City of Prince George announced the western portion of Ferguson Lake Trail will be closed to the public.

The closure will begin March 3rd for rehabilitation work, and will continue through the summer, involving the removal and replacement of the old support posts and boardwalk to improve safety.

Residents are asked to not trespass into the construction area, and pay attention to signage, however, the remainder of the trail will stay open.

The City said the project is budgeted at $276,000, with $220,000 being funded through Canada Community Building Grants, and the remaining cost coming from the General Infrastructure Reinvestment Fund.

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Ferguson Lake Nature Reserve is owned by the Nature Trust of BC and managed by the City of Prince George

More information can be found on the City’s website here.

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