Two City Councillors are calling for more information on increasing access to public washrooms in Downtown Prince George.
Councillors Tim Bennett and Trudy Klassen brought forward a Notice of Motion on the topic, which will be discussed at tomorrow’s (Monday) meeting.
“Access to public washrooms is incredibly important when it comes to inclusion, accessibility and ensuring a strong, healthy and welcoming community,” the Notice of Motion reads.
“Access to public washroom space is not only to support those currently un or underhoused but also to support families with young children, individuals with either visible or invisible medical conditions and those who drink too many coffees on their trip to the Farmer’s Market.”
The motion attached would have a report for Council by the third quarter of next year that would highlight what public washroom access is currently available, build a question or option in appropriate future surveys to determine need and demand, and explore grant opportunities to expand safe public washroom access.
Other items to be discussed tomorrow includes the purchase of a new motor grader for the city’s fleet, and an update for the city’s strategic plan.
The full agenda for tomorrow’s meeting can be found here.
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