May is shaping up to be a busy month for the Prince George Hospice Palliative Care Society.
Throughout the entire month of May, Hospice is holding the Colour Walk, in which they encourage the community to walk “100k in the month of May.”
“We’re encouraging people to share their memories, tell us who they’re walking for,” said Hospice Executive Director Donna Flood.
“Just to get out and embrace the memories is really what it’s about.”
The Colour Walk culminates with the event on May 26th.
Flood said there’s already quite a few teams and people signed up for the Colour Walk this year, but they’re still looking for more.
“We’re getting more and more teams every day,” she said.
“We’ve just had an exciting team come in, and what they’re hoping to do, is they’re going to pledge to walk 100k, but at the event, they’re going to cut their hair off in support of hospice.”
In addition to the Colour Walk, Hospice is holding the annual High Tea for Hospice event this coming Saturday. (May 4th)
“This is again going bigger than we’ve been before,” Flood said.
“We’re going to have musical entertainment, we’re going to have a man named Paul Filek who is sort of like a crooner, he does a bit of Frank Sinatra, Michael Buble, so he’s going to entertain the ladies as well as a fashion show.”
There will also be several other vendors available during the event.
Outside of fundraisers, a conference called Hospice Education Days will be held in collaboration with hospices from around the North.
“We’re doing a cultural perspective on death, so we’re bringing together people within the community to share their own rituals, their own beliefs, and also just sharing stories among the group,” Flood said.
“Then we hope to go over end of life preparedness, what are the things people need to do to make sure that they’re good to go, that everything is in order, as well as a little bit of a death cafe where we just help people start the conversation and have the conversation about death so it doesn’t become so scary.”
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