The province says improvements are coming to the Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) program.
The province is providing a one-time rental benefit of $430 for families and seniors with low incomes who are receiving a rent subsidy through the Rental Assistance Program (RAP) and SAFER program.
“This benefit, and the long-term changes to SAFER, will help ensure more seniors and families can remain in their homes,” said Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon.
According to the province, current recipients of RAP and SAFER will automatically qualify, and no action is required.
The changes to SAFER will also see existing recipients receive an increase of approximately $110 per month, bringing the average monthly subsidy to $310.
Additional changes include:
- Increasing the income limit for eligibility for SAFER from $33,000 to $37,240;
- Increasing the minimum benefit from $25 to $50 a month or $600 a year;
- Rent ceilings, which help determine the amount of rental assistance for applicants, can now be reviewed and amended annually;
- launching a public awareness campaign to ensure more seniors are aware of the program.
The one time benefit comes from a $12.3 million federal top-up from the Canada Housing Benefit, while the province is providing $15.6 million to support the longer-term changes to SAFER.
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