Building materials and compostable organics make up half of the overall garbage stream according to the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George.
A waste characterization study was conducted last fall with the results presented to the Board of Directors where 55 different samples of waste were reviewed.
Overall building materials showed a significant spike in the past five years (2018 to 2023), while declines were seen in plastics, non-compostable, and compostable organics.
The last study of its kind was conducted in 2018.
In addition, the Regional District is also taking part in another study involving geohazard risks in the region for things like floods, steep creeks, and landslide risks
The assessment will help identify where hazards could impact populations, buildings, and infrastructure.
Work is underway with a final report expected to be tabled in July of 2025.
Lastly, the RDFFG approved an increase in value to its Arts, Culture, and Heritage grant program.
The Board has elected to increase the maximum amount awarded from $5,000 to $10,000.
The Board approved the following requests for Community and Recreation Grants:
• $20,719 to the Nukko Environmental Lake Weed Society for harvester trailer and operating expenses
• $5605 to the Nukko Lake PAC for swim lessons
• $40,000 to the Red Rock/Stoner Volunteer Fire Department for phase two of the generator project
• $5000 to Cariboo-Ferndale Community Association for snow removal costs
• $10,000 to the Huble Homestead/Giscome Portage Society for a pole shed
• $500 to the Dunster Mushroom Society for the Robson Valley mushroom festival
• $5000 to the McBride Daycare Society for the childcare centre
• $500 to the Open Gate Community Garden for the annual Seedy Saturday event
• $263 to the Robson Valley Community Services for the health fair facility rental
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