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HomeNewsUNBC study sees caribou could face extinction

UNBC study sees caribou could face extinction

A new study released by the University of Northern B-C shows that caribou herds could become extinct.

Researchers have seen that habitat loss from forestry, mining and wind turbine development have put caribou herds at risk.

Ecology Professor Chris Johnson says the government’s wolf cull program will only have short term effects.

“There is some data from Alberta and the Yukon that suggests if you remove the predators from the system, caribou populations will respond in a positive way,” says Johnson, “however such approaches are not really sustainable, its very expensive to have to go out and kill wolves every year.”

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Johnson says their research looked at five herds that are collapsing even though the government is working on a recovery strategy.

He suggests having a maternal penning program, where mothers and calves are kept away from predators for six weeks.

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