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HomeNewsSnow control budget could see a boost after a rough winter

Snow control budget could see a boost after a rough winter

The snow fall in Prince George has created a daunting task for city crews, as plows and dump trucks have been working to keep roads and sidewalks clear.

Prince George City Council is looking to raise the net operations for snow control in the city by $200,000.

The 2021 budget for snow control was set at $10,000,000, and the year before it was set at $8,500,000 (the actual amount spent for 2020 reached $10,522,130).

Total revenue generated by Snow Control is proposed to be -$20,000, which is an improvement over the -$60,000 last year.

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2022 Snow Control Total Proposed Revenue (Chart by Brody Langager, MyPGNow)



Total expenditures are estimated to rise by $94,812, compared to the 2021 budget.

2022 Snow Control Total Proposed Expenditures (Chart by Brody Langager, MyPGNow)


2022 Snow Control Total Proposed Transfers (Chart by Brody Langager, MyPGNow)




2022 Snow Control Total Asset Maintenance Expenditures (Chart by Brody Langager, MyPGNow)



2022 Snow Control Total Asset Maintenance Transfers (Chart by Brody Langager, MyPGNow)



You can let the City know your opinion at the budget talks on Monday (January 24th) at 3:30pm, and again at 6pm, during their Council meeting.

There’s also a potential rise in taxes in store for the City, with a proposed increase of 6.55% on the table.


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