Advanced polls will be open at the School District 57 main office tomorrow (Tuesday) for the Prince George Trustee By-Election.
The office is at 2100 Ferry Avenue, and voting will be available from 8 am to 8 pm.
You don’t need to pre-register to vote, but you will need the following requirements:
- 18 years of age or older on general voting day;
- Canadian citizen;
- resident of British Columbia for at least six (6) months immediately before the day of registration;
- resident of, or registered owner of real property, within the voting jurisdiction for at least thirty (30) days immediately before the day of registration;
- not disqualified by the School Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or otherwise disqualified by law.
Resident Electors will need two pieces of identification, and one needs to have a signature.
Non-Resident Property Electors will require the above, but will also need proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the property, and, if there is more than one owner of the property, written consent from the majority of the property owners is needed.
The types of identification accepted include:
- British Columbia Driver’s Licence,
- BCID card,
- BC Services Card,
- British Columbia CareCard or GoldCareCard
- ICBC Owners Certificate of Insurance and Vehicle Licence,
- Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security Request for Continued Assistance Form SDES8,
- Social Insurance Card,
- Citizenship Card, Real
- Property Tax Notice,
- Credit Card
- Debit Card
- Utility Bill
General voting day is on Saturday (January 15th), and people can vote at:
- Glenview Elementary School, 7310 Cluff Road, Prince George, B.C. V2K 2M3
- Heritage Elementary School, 257 Anderson Street, Prince George, B.C. V2M 6C1
- Malaspina Elementary School, 7900 Malaspina Blvd Prince George, B.C. V2N 4A9
- Pineview Elementary School, 8515 Old Cariboo Hwy, Prince George, B.C. V2N 5V2
- Van Bien Training Centre, 311 Wilson Crescent, Prince George, B.C. V2L 4P8
The Prince George candidates for the by-election are:
Something going on in the Prince George area you think people should know about?
Send us a news tip by emailing [email protected].
- Andrew John Burton
- Shannon Louise Freeman
- Milton Joseph Mahoney
- Audrey Allison McKinnon
- Brian John Trotter