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HomeNewsCNC business program looks to help young Indigenous entrepreneurs

CNC business program looks to help young Indigenous entrepreneurs

The LaKles Way-hut: Business Start-Up for Indigenous Youth program is a new program at the College of New Caledonia (CNC).

This is a free, government funded program aiming to help Indigenous youth aged 15-29 get an idea of what it’s like to start a business.

The course will run from January 17th to March 31st, and is accessible from the Burns Lake, Fort Saint James, Vanderhoof, Mackenzie, and Prince George campuses.

Successful candidates will also receive a living allowance.

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Troy Morin, Regional Principal for the Vanderhoof and Fort Saint James campuses gave some background on the name of the program.

“LaKles Way-hut means grease trail in the chinook trading language.”

“Many Indigenous communities in the Northwest here on through BC utilized the grease trail for trade with other nations and other communities,” said Morin.

He added there is cultural awareness training, life skills training, and digital marketing as some of the courses contained in the 12 week program.

“We know there are talented Indigenous youth in the region CNC serves who aspire to one day start their own business,” said CNC President Dr. Dennis Johnson.

“Even if a student doesn’t go on to start their own business, this program will help gain knowledge and skills that will serve them throughout life.”


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