The recent flooding in BC has caused a disruption in supply chains for many goods and services, and breweries and wineries are not immune.
Northern Lights Estate Winery Owner and Operator Doug Bell said local supply can be hard to come by, so much of their shipments come from overseas.
“Many ships are delayed and/or cancelled. And it’s also very hard to find room on ships, where containers used to about $4,000, now costing upwards of $30,000 to get across the sea. So not only is it hard to get products, it’s hard to get products at a good price.”
Bell said he’s seeing a lot of cost pressure on things like bottles and fruit.
“There’s definitely a lot of cost pressure in the business, but we try to keep all of our products as affordable as we can.”
He added that as the industry starts to grow, he hopes to see production like bottles and corks come closer to home.
Bell assured Prince George residents that they’re still in a good position and made a lot of their purchases beforehand.
“You don’t have to worry about running out of wine anytime soon.”
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