The Perfect Sleep Solution
A jab in the ribs. Someone shaking you awake. Snoring so hard you wake yourself up! Sound familiar? If you snore, you will probably have experienced any one, or all of these reactions to snoring. What is concerning though, is your snoring may be a symptom of a deeper problem… a sleep disorder. Sleep Apnea.
Sleep Apnea is a common sleep disorder characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing throughout the sleep cycle. This can dramatically impact your life with low energy levels, poor mental performance and long term health issues. And, you aren’t the only one who suffers; your partner and entire family can be affected by YOUR sleep apnea. In some cases, if left untreated, sleep apnea can aggravate or cause serious health issues.
Help, Hope, Health Solutions
Perfect Sleep Solutions can be the answer to your sleep apnea condition. Perfect Sleep Solutions is a family owned and operated business dedicated to helping people conquer their sleep disorders. Perfect Sleep Solutions is headed by Jay Wolfe, Registered Respiratory Therapist. With his 30 years of experience helping people overcome obstructive sleep apnea symptoms, and utilizing the latest state of the art diagnostic equipment, Jay’s patients receive the best treatment available.
He understands and acknowledges his client’s needs, while educating and recommending solutions to their sleep issues. You may need CPAP therapy or an oral appliance may be the best option. Whichever therapy fits you, Jay and his Perfect Sleep Solutions team will help you with choices that are best suited for you and your family.
Safe Convenient Service
The world is in the middle of a health crisis at the present time, but you will still find quality care for your sleep disorders with Perfect Sleep Solutions. There are safe options available to you to meet with the Perfect Sleep Solutions team. In person appointments are available with all safety precautions in place.
For diagnostic purposes, an in person appointment is needed to give the team and your physician the precise information to determine and prescribe the treatment which best fits your situation. Perfect Sleep Solutions also has video appointments available online for follow ups and adjustments. You can also conduct appointments through Tele Health and mobile service is available for those with mobility issues.
Perfect Sleep Solutions has 2 locations to help serve you; in Prince George and in Quesnel
You’ll find the Prince George Clinic at 575 Quebec Street Unit 202. Call (236) 423-6244.
The Quesnel Clinic is located at 533 Reid Street Unit 200. Call (778) 414-8444.
You will also find Perfect Sleep Solutions online at
A perfect night’s sleep will change your life! Find your “happy sleep place” at Perfect Sleep Solutions. Pleasant dreams! Know the symptoms, find the control, take back your life.