Parents and youth will have the opportunity to learn how to protect themselves online during a virtual program hosted by the Prince George Public Library tomorrow night.
Smart Choices Online will focus on privacy, online etiquette, internet safety, and using the internet effectively.
The program will take place on Zoom from 6:30 to 7:15 pm.
“Virtual interactions and experiences have become more important than ever to people of all ages in the era of COVID-19, but it is important to have the skills to ensure these interactions happen safely and kindly for everyone,” said Larissa Clotildes, Library Assistant – Youth Services.
“The program is open to ages 5-19, but we will be running it in two concurrent sessions. Once someone joins the Zoom call, they will be sorted into a breakout room based on their age.”
Next week, 10 to 18 year-olds are invited to learn how to relax and unwind as Teen Librarian Chris Knapp offers strategies for coping with internet fatigue.
The session will explore meditative activities and movement techniques.
Screens, Fatigue and Breaking Free will take place on Google Hangouts on November 17th from 7:00 – 8:00 pm.
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