Prince George City Council is now on the long list of supporters for a local charity fund building a home for a family in need.
The Welcome Home, Pay it Forward Initiative announced last year that they would be building a new home for the Sopel family and it’s been quite an undertaking for the Foundations of Hope Community Builders Society.
The Society has many community partners who have contributed to the project and they’ve asked that the City Council put themselves on the list in the form of waiving four fees accumulating to $20,900.
Below is a breakdown of costs presented to Council:
Building Permit $1,700.00
Plumbing Permit $300.00
Servicing & Restoration $18,800.00
Sign Permit $100.00
City administration told Council that in a situation like this one, fees are not waived but paid for through the Council contingency fund, which Councillor Terri McConnachie said could take the hit for this cause.
“I think it’s an important initiative. There is a council contingency fund which still has over $48,000.00 and that will be replenished in January. I’m going to go for it.”
“It doesn’t get any better than giving somebody a whole new life, and that’s what this is, this is a game changer for that family,” said Councillor Susan Scott.
Councillor Murry Krause and Kyle Sampson echoed those sentiments and supported the motion, “This is really something that shows what Prince George is all about,” said Sampson.
Council voted unanimously to fund the building fees.
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