A few Prince George residents gathered in front of city hall Saturday to hold a yellow vest demonstration.
The protests, which originated in France last month to show displeasure about a projected increase in fuel taxes, were held across the country for a similar reason in various cities large and small. For partaking Canadians, issues include pipelines, carbon tax, and, in the case of PG protester Sherry Lansall, open borders.
“The borders have been opened to thousands of people that are going to come in and take jobs we don’t even have to offer. They are being supported by the government. [Prime Minister Justin] Trudeau is feeding and housing thousands of people to pad the votes for elections to come.”
So what is the goal? Lansall explained that some demonstrations led to potential legal action.
“A lot of the yellow vest protesters are going to their local RCMP station and filing charges against Trudeau. There is a document we can take into our local RCMP station today and request his arrest for treason.”
One other protester indicated she wanted to know more about the document. As of the time of posting (14:58), PG RCMP has not been approached by this group.
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