BC Bus North ridership has grown ‘week over week’ according to BC Transit interim President and CEO Erinn Pinkerton.

In the month since its launched, the service has carried over 300 passengers with 700 people booked for future trips.
“We didn’t have estimated figures and that’s one of the reasons we are running the bus, to find out what the need is here, what are the best routes, what are the best services; we are already seeing good pickup and hopefully that will just grow,” says Transportation Minister Claire Trevena.
There are four current routes with three connected to Prince George. PG to Prince Rupert, PG to Valemount, and PG to Dawson Creek all run twice per week. A Fort Nelson route through Dawson Creek runs once per week. PG to PR is the most popular route seeing about 20 passengers per trip.
Although it has only been a month, a change to the payment option has already happened.
“Right out of the gate, if you remember, it was online reservation and payment with a credit card only and so there was issues around people who don’t have credit cards,” explains Pinkerton.
“So the drivers on board now can accept debit cards with handheld machines, we just need passengers to let us know how they will be paying before they start their voyage.”
Pinkerton says they are still looking for feedback before they consider additional routes.
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