An update has been provided by the province and the Red Cross when it comes to the relief and recovery efforts a year since last year’s Wildfire Season.
The BC Fires Appeal Fund has eclipsed over $160 million dollars and over 75% of that money has been spent or committed.
Any displaced residents who haven’t contacted the Red Cross about getting financial assistance are still in luck thanks to a new initiative.
“Some of the new programming that was just launched is around housing repair and reconstruction and so if people have had damage to their homes from the fire event we’re asking them to reach back out to us and see if they are eligible for some of this new programming that’s available,” says Elisha Dempsey, Director of Emergency Management for the BC/Yukon Region.
Dempsey expects to see many people come forward, including those who have not applied for assistance.
“We’re really encouraging them to reach out to us and book an appointment with our caseworkers so they can look at what those needs are and we’re still supporting things such as mortgage payments, rent payments or replacement of belongings.”
“Funding is still ongoing and we’re still working with impacted households, individuals, and communities.”
In the event, another wildfire crisis takes place in the Cariboo or even Prince George in the future the funding that has been raised for the 2017 blazes will stay put and a new relief fund would then be established.
“The funding that was raised and committed to the BC Wildfire Appeal for 2017 will remain in the fund and that is because of the intent of the donors who gave it (the money) was intended to support those people who were impacted by it and the thing I can say is we have spent about 74% of the funds and we still have funds remaining but that is somewhat intentional in the sense that these have emerged past the one year mark and we know recovery isn’t just a one year thing where everybody is back to the way it used to be or whatever their normal is, however, things come up so we are looking at recovery as a five-year approach.”
The full financial summary of the 2017 BC Wildfire Crisis can be found here
B.C. Fires appointment line: 1-800-863-6582.
B.C. Fires website:
Red Cross donor inquiries: or 1-800-418-1111
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