Summer 2018 for Prince George is going to see major developments in the downtown core.
The city is going through with its decade old concept plan called Smart Growth on the Ground. This will bring new facilities and services to the core to create a more vibrant downtown.
The multi-year period of development will include:
- A new four-phase housing development with underground parking across from City Hall.
- The opening of a new Marriott hotel.
- The development of a proposed new hotel on 6th Avenue between Quebec and Dominion Streets.
- The design and construction of a new pool to replace the Four Seasons.
- The design and construction of a new front entrance for the Bob Harkins Branch of the Prince George Public Library.
- The development of a new park next to the Wood Innovation and Design Centre.
- The completion of UNBC’s Wood Innovation Research Lab.
A new location for the Prince George Farmers Market 1310 – 3rd Avenue (the intersection of 3rd and Quebec). The building is also the future location of a new arts-based community centre.
With construction will come a bunch of road closures throughout the city. Starting Monday portions of George Street and Sixth Avenue will be permanently closed for major utility operations. Next week will see George Street between 7th avenue and Patricia Blvd permanently closed to allow construction of the parkade and housing development next to City Hall. Later in the summer, 6th Avenue between Quebec Street and Dominion Street will be permanently closed for development of a proposed new hotel.
The mayor says the City will be looking into how to accommodate for the closures.
“We have bylaw services looking at alternate parking locations. We are looking at signage for locations like the Keg and other restaurants and businesses, so that there is signage to direct them to parking or direct them to various locations.”
Hall added they are hoping to have some of the projects done by 2021.
Todd Corrigall, President of the Chamber of Commerce, says he’s interested to see who starts investing in downtown when all the projects are completed.
“Are businesses going to be looking at relocating a portion or large component of their business to downtown. That two to three year time frame of this development process makes opportunities increase. So, are they seeing that signal now and looking for opportunities to establishing downtown.”
The City has published a web page with information about the progress, closures and parking downtown that can be accessed here.
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