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HomeNewsKinder Morgan is dividing First Nations and the rest of Canada: Teegee

Kinder Morgan is dividing First Nations and the rest of Canada: Teegee

Photo courtesy of BCAFN Twitter account

The BC Assembly of First Nations (BCAFN) is calling for First Nations rights inclusion when discussing the Trans Mountain Pipeline Project.

Over 50 First Nations Territories could be affected by the pipeline while another 30 could see increased shipping traffic.

This has quickly become a toxic issue not just for indigenous people, but for all Canadians.

“We have a project here that is under question and right now, it’s simply dividing not only the first nations that are affected but it’s also dividing this country on how projects are being developed,” says Terry Teegee, BCAFN Regional Chief.

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The Union of BC Indian Chiefs held a meeting on Monday in Vancouver further protesting the project.

Teegee came away with a single takeaway from the meeting.

“Many First Nations are upholding their rights, upholding what has been told to them by they’re community members and now they are not standing ideally by so they will continue to fight the project.”

“Right now, what we’re seeing playing out is that the project hasn’t met the needs of First Nations who have concerns and this is an issue in regards to how decisions are made on major projects.”

Many Indigenous leaders believe much like Teegee, the whole process of how Trans Mountain came about had many holes right from the start.

“The project itself was approved under an environmental assessment that was flawed. Furthermore, the Liberal government’s review was also flawed so it didn’t address the First Nation’s rights and title in regards to making decisions within their territories and jurisdictions.”

Kinder Morgan has stated the pipeline could be wiped out by May 31st if BC doesn’t come on board.

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