Anyone planning on hitting the roads for the long weekend are being asked to exercise caution, especially with all the snow we’ve received.
It’s that time of year where we see roads freezing and thawing because of the temperature change, which can make your commute more dangerous.
ICBC Spokesperson Doug MacDonald has some tips for drivers heading out.
“Check Drive BC make sure routes are opened and make sure there are good road conditions for traveling. If there isn’t give it a second thought and maybe decide to stay home to be safe this long weekend.”
MacDonald stresses that your safety should be the number one priority for this weekend.
“It’s important to make sure you’re ready and you are prepared for the different road conditions you may come across. So make sure you give yourself enough time to get to where you’re going. Plan your route out ahead of time, if you are going to visit family and friends let them know you’re on the road and check in with them on the way.”
On average, 20 people are injured in 130 crashes every year in the North Central region over the Easter long weekend.
Something going on in the Prince George area you think people should know about?
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