Kids everywhere will be waking up Sunday, excited to start filling their baskets with Easter eggs.
When it comes to the holiday, it competes on the same level as Halloween with the consumption of sugary treats.
Some candies can contain up to 30 grams of sugar, which can add up if kids are left to over indulge.
Lise Luppen, a Registered Dietitian, says there is a way for parents to balance how much candy their children consume.
“We have to provide a balance between structure around eating and permission to enjoy foods. If we are so restrictive around certain foods, than it’s hard to engage with those foods in a normal way and to be relaxed around them. So, that’s where we might see people eating more than they feel hungry for because it’s forbidden, or maybe they do it secretly and sneak it.”
Luppen added families can also change tradition of offering chocolate eggs and switch it with non-food items such as books, stickers, or skipping rope. This can also ensure your children won’t be eating to much over the holiday.
“What if we try something little this year. If you like the idea of having Easter candy or chocolate, but you also like the idea of including a non-food item, than what might appeal to your children and what would they find exciting.”
Easter can be a great learning opportunity for children in how they manage their consumption of food and to support them in becoming a healthy eaters.
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