A vote on electoral reform in BC isn’t until November but a political science class at UNBC has launched a survey on the topic.
They want to better educate students on what electoral reform is, what they’re options are and what role they have in deciding what happens.
If the class gets a good response, it could go a long way in shaping what people are looking for.
“If we get a diverse opinion from the majority of youth it can really help one politician to see what the voters of the future want and what they are looking for and two it can also help the general public see that,” says Saje Gosal, Class Spokesperson.
The survey went live earlier this month and has received tremendous support from the Prince George area.
“We have had a great uptake from the city and surrounding area and that’s included MLA’s helping us out, professors from the university, community members, media outlets and we’ve had a tremendous amount of support.”
UNBC’s survey on electoral reform has two main objectives.
“The first goal is that we want to know the public’s opinion on electoral reform, we want to get results out on how they on this topic at this juncture prior to the November referendum and the second major reason we’re doing it is to get people educated on this based on how to vote, what it’s like to vote, how to get your opinion heard and understanding electoral reform, understanding the different systems at hand,” added Gosal.
He adds its critical students get involved in the political process as much as possible.
The deadline to submit your thoughts is Monday and you can click the link.
The results should be available in early April.
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