It’s day two of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls National Inquiry from the Prince George Civic Centre.
Today, the inquiry took in statements from Highway of Tears victims’ family and friends, as well as survivors, as they shared their stories.
“We have councillors available after they’ve done their statements so we have a lot of support here with elders and community support,” says Community Relations Liason Penny Kerrigan.
Scheduled speakers will continue to share their stories tomorrow but so too can unscheduled persons who have been affected by the Highway of Tears.
“We’d like to hear from the families and survivors about their truths and if they lost a loved one, how did it impact them,” Kerrigan explains.
“What support was given to them if any support at all; we want to hear everything that they’ve experienced from their perspective as to how things could’ve gone better and what support could’ve been there for them.”
The national inquiry finishes tomorrow.
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