The Cluculz Lake Community Recreation Association has been given a helping hand by the Four Rivers Co-op.
A donation of $5,000 from the Co-op Community Support Fund will go towards some much needed repairs at the community hall.
“The project we’re currently doing is to replace all the bathrooms and to improve those, so they are accessible and too add a couple more accessible bathrooms for seniors and persons with disabilities.” Explains President of the Cluculz Community Hall, Roy Spooner.
The bathroom project is slated to be completed by mid-march, than the next phase is to renovate the kitchen, which should be done in May or early June.
Donations like this have helped significantly in making the hall a better place says Spooner.
“This has all been about neighbours helping neighbours and Vanderhoof, of course, is where the Co-op is located, and at the moment our neighbour. So they’ve come to help us make this happen. It’s an awesome sense of feeling that people get together and make good stuff happen.”
The hall is one of ten organizations to receive this money from Co-op’s Community Support Fund in 2017. This marks the second year the program has run, and recipients received $100,000 from the fund, which supports community groups, non-profits or charitable organizations.
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