People getting their houses festive this holiday season are being reminded to make sure your pets are safe this time of year.
Christmas trees can spark curiosity in both cats and dogs and they can also be a hazard to them.
SPCA Spokesperson Kim Monteith says animals instincts will kick in around trees.
“With indoor cats, who normally don’t have trees in their living room, they might want to do what comes naturally to them which is climb. You want to make sure your tree is secure even with dogs who may jump on it and tip it over.”
Other things to watch out for is glass decorations, because if they break the small bits could get stuck in your pets paws, and it’s possible they could ingest it while grooming themselves.
There’s something else we bring into our homes which can potentially be dangerous to pets.
“Mistletoe, anything like that, is poisonous to pets. You want to make sure your pets don’t have access to it when you’re not around.”
Poinsettia’s can also harm your animal, this is because of the chemical in it that, if ingested, can cause your pet to experience vomiting and diarrhoea.
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