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HomeNewsMyPGNow readers pick their party ahead of Election Day

MyPGNow readers pick their party ahead of Election Day

It’s looking like our readers have mostly made up their minds about who to vote for in tomorrow’s provincial election.

Only 8% of respondents to our final elections poll said they don’t know who they’ll vote for.

The BC Liberals are the most popular choice, according to our audience – 67% plan to vote Liberal. The NDP came in second with 20% of people who took our poll saying they planned to cast a vote for the party. 4% said they’ll cast a vote for the BC Greens and 1% are planning on voting other.

Polling places will open at 8 am tomorrow and close at 8 pm.

Please note: this poll includes input from MyPGNow online readers over the course of a week. It is not controlled, although measures are taken to deter readers from voting more than once.



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