BC Transit and the city’s Planning & Development Services Department are holding an open house on the proposed transit hub this week.
The planned spot near 18th and Foothills would be the new washing station and fuel pump for a new eco-friendly bus fleet. However, many residents are concerned adding buses will make the area more dangerous for those using the nearby trail and soccer fields.
City Spokesperson Mike Kellett has heard a lot of feedback on the project and is happy “about how the word has gotten out about this and that there’s a lot of information out there for the public and, obviously, they’re very engaged so we’re looking forward to anyone with questions to showing up at this of the information session.”
Both parties will have information displays and each will make a presentation. There will also be many opportunities for questions throughout the hour-long event.
You can submit your written comments at the open house or to City Hall anytime before 5 PM on May 19th. You can also email them to [email protected].
The open house begins at 6:30 PM in the 2nd Floor Lounge of the Kin Centres.
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