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HomeNewsCity sports fields open season this weekend

City sports fields open season this weekend

The City of Prince George is re-opening it’s sports fields this weekend in time for the Spring and Summer seasons.

Local recreations and sports organizations have already been signing up to rent the facilities for tournaments and team practices.

Parks Supervisor Chris Bjorn says the field are opening a little later this year to account for proper maintenance.

“It’s been a cold, frost winter, and as the grass comes out of dormancy, it needs to start to establish before we allow play on the fields, or else it will cause permanent damage.”

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Bjorn explains the recent unusual weather Prince George has been experiencing is the reason why his staff are carefully tending to the landscaping of the parks.

“With temperatures at night time dropping close to zero, it takes a long time for the ground temperature to come up to get the grass out of dormancy. We have to analyze that stuff on almost a daily, or every second day, basis to determine if they’re playable.”

Keeping the safety of residents and visitors in mind is a critical component when taking extra precautions according to Bjorn.

He says if the grass the greener, users will benefit greatly.

“Of course we encourage activity and we want those user groups to be able go out there, it’s just that the turf has to safe to play on and have to be able to handle extended play.”

All parks will officially open Saturday morning at 7AM.

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