The second Prince George all-candidates forum took place Thursday night, with nearly a hundred people in attendance at the AiMHi Building.
Much like the first go-round, only half of the campaigns running for the City’s two political ridings in this year’s provincial election showed up to present their views and platforms.
.@AiMHiBC hosting 2nd all-candidates forum for #CityOfPG ridings; only 3 of 6 candidates are present = 2 @bcndp & 1 @BCGreens @mypgnow
— Kyle Balzer (@KyleBalzer) April 28, 2017
Both NDP candidates were present; Bobby Deepak and Natalie Fletcher, while the BC Greens were represented by Nan Kendy at the table. Neither Liberal candidate was in attendance and the Greens Hilary Crowley was also missing.
Fletcher, running in Prince George-Valemount, says she couldn’t believe the number of issues facing the Northern region.
More specifically, for people with disabilities.
“It was a learning experience for sure. When I hear the things that are happening with persons with disabilities, it just seems unconstitutional to me. I need to work really hard, I need to meet with these people and we need to fix this.”
.@Natalie4PGVale says early education should be properly considered; believes it’ll pave the way for children’s future #bcelxn17 @mypgnow
— Kyle Balzer (@KyleBalzer) April 28, 2017
Major topics up for discussion and debate included supportive care for children and seniors, education, living wages, supporting low income families, emergency funding solutions, education, and providing proper care for those suffering from a mental illness.
Prince George-Mackenzie NDP nominee Deepak says the community taught him significant information across all of these subjects.
“I believe that there definitely needs to be a change. This Government, after 16 years, doesn’t care about people; they only care about their wealthy and well-connected friends and that needs to be change.”
.@AiMHiBC: Will gov’t bring emergency funding solutions? @bcndp = Yes, but unsure @BCGreens = Research needed#bcelxn17 @mypgnow
— Kyle Balzer (@KyleBalzer) April 28, 2017
Green party candidate Kendy says she’s going to re-evaluate her knowledge and views on early childhood education.
“They were saying that government wasn’t being inclusive or allowing them into the classroom, and I’d really like to take a serious look at that and see what was done in public education that can be transferred over to the situation and make it better.”
.@BCGreens Nan Kendy Closing statement #bcelxn17 @mypgnow
— Kyle Balzer (@KyleBalzer) April 28, 2017
The three candidates only took questions from moderators and members of the AiMHi Board of Directors.
The third and final forum before Decision Day is set for May 2nd, 6PM at the Canfor Theatre.
Election Day is slated for a week later on May 9th.
Something going on in the Prince George area you think people should know about?
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