Your volunteering could make Prince George the country’s most helpful community.
Volunteer Prince George is participating in the national 150 for 150 challenge, which asks all Canadians to volunteer 150 hours this year. All you need to do is log your hours on Volunteer Prince George’s website.
General Manager Wendy Pollard crunched the March numbers and found PG had logged the third most hours across Canada, which says a lot about our community.
“We are the volunteer city, we have been for many, many years. I’ve been in the industry 20 years and I think we have the best volunteers in the nation. I’m not surprised by being number three I just want to be number one though, that’d be great.”
Kelowna had logged the most volunteer hours during March. In order take the top spot, she encourages everyone to sign up and get helping. Almost any thoughtful act can be considered volunteering.
“Sometimes people help other people out and they don’t realize that that’s volunteering like shoveling their driveways or if they’re doing their gardening or something like that for a neighbour all those hours are considered volunteer hours.”
There are prizes up for grabs as well. Everyone who signs up before Saturday will be entered into a draw for two $50 gift cards to Pine Centre mall. At the end of the year, there will also be national prizes awarded as well.
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