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HomeNewsSD57 hosts information session on soon-to-be-open Springwood Elementary

SD57 hosts information session on soon-to-be-open Springwood Elementary

Parents interested in the re-opening of Springwood Elementary have a chance to get their questions answered tomorrow night.

From 7 until 9 pm, School District 57 is hosting an information session on the soon-to-be open school.

District Staff will publicly present information from last month’s board meeting, when the decision to reopen the school was made. They will also be on hand to answer questions.

The session will take place in the Multi-purpose room at Kelly Road Secondary.

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The District has published the catchment area established for Springwood and has a dedicated email address for inquiries about the school – [email protected].

Sprinwood’s re-opening was prompted by the agreement reached between the provincial government and the BC Teacher’s Federation which mandates smaller class sizes.

In order to meet this obligation, the Hart needs more classroom space. A re-opened Springfield, at 4600 Zral Road, would serve between 180 and 200 students from Kindergarten through Gr. 7. Doors will be open in time for the September 2017 school year.

You can find more information on the school’s re-opening here.


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