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HomeNewsBC Nurses Union says Budget 2017 is a mixed bag but many...

BC Nurses Union says Budget 2017 is a mixed bag but many important items were missed

Another group is decrying lack of funding in the 2017 federal budget. The BC Nurses Union (BCNU) was were hoping for more from the Liberal government’s second kick at the fiscal can.

“We were hoping the government would sign on to the Health Accord to ensure that health transfer payments would be provided at a rate with provide healthcare that’s needed in this province,” says Christine Sorensen, Vice President of the BCNU. “Unfortunately, an agreement was made prior to the budget and that is not the case.”

Sorensen says the union is concerned about future funding levels given what it says is an already stretched state of affairs in BC. She says, while increased funding to fight the opioid crisis is a good thing, other priorities were neglected.

“We certainly appreciate some of the initiatives that were made towards housing and child care but things like seniors and long-term care services and services for child and youth mental health just didn’t get the attention we were hoping for.”

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With the federal budget a dud, the BCNU is focussing on the upcoming provincial election. Nurse safety, recruitment and retention are all high on the union’s priority list.

Nurses in Smithers held a rally in front of their local MLA’s office today to bring awareness to their issues.

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Nurses rally on Main Street in Smithers
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