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HomeNewsBC Liberals officially launch campaign office in Prince George

BC Liberals officially launch campaign office in Prince George

With the election less than 8 weeks away, the doors are officially open at the BC Liberal’s campaign office in Prince George.

Carolynne Burkholder attended the opening event – we asked her what her top priority is for the upcoming election.

“I’m hoping for four more years of job growth and support for the North. I usually just vote on Election Day so that’s probably what I’ll do again.”

City of Prince George Councillor Albert Koehler is on the same page – with a specific sector in mind.

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“I am waiting for more announcements especially an announcement that has to do with technology and engineering programming. I still have high hopes that something of that nature is coming but I do not know.”

Premier Christy Clark has made many promises about creating rural tech hubs to bring more jobs northern communities.

For Ken Goss, the focus needs to be on BC’s bountiful resource sector.

“We’ve got to be able to get our natural resources moving – the oil and the gas. People don’t realize that if we don’t have the natural resources, we got nothing – no cars, no bikes, no clothes, no nothing.”

Both Burkholder and Goss plan to vote on election day and Koehler says he usually does.

“This time, on the election, I will be out of the country and so, as an exception, I have to take advantage of the early vote.”

BC goes to the polls on May 9. Registering in advance can make exercising your voting rights quick and easy.

Something going on in the Prince George area you think people should know about?
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