Gearing up for this hunting season should be a little easier.
Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson says the Province has streamlined its licensing process so you can now register from home.
“You’re going to be able to get the required reports electronically, you’re going to be able to get your licenses online, so this will all make it much more client-service oriented for the hunting community.”
This was made available via changes to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Operations Statues Amendment Act, 2017. Submitting required reports can now be done electronically as well, and the Province has limited the number of authorizations hunters needs to carry.
These are all things that Thomson says hunters have been asking for.
“It’s something that they have called for and have had a lot of input in the design of the system and the authorizations that are required. This is all great news for both our resident hunters and our outfitters in the province.”
This also allows Conservation Officers to ask for your photo ID.
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