The City of Prince George is seeking volunteers for three of its advisory committees.
The Accessibility, Development Design and Enhancing Prince George Committee all have vacant seats.
“They provide advice to City Council on matters that pertain to their mandate or their purpose,” says Maureen Connelly, Deputy Corporate Officer for the City’s Legislative Services Division. “So for the Accessibility Committee they meet monthly and provide advice to Council on improving accessibility in the community for people who might have mobility issues or other health challenges.”
There are 4 vacancies on the Accessibility Committee and 5 on both the Development Design and Enhancing Prince George Committees.
“Council will be looking at the applications on March 6 and the candidates that are appointed through the recruitment process will all be appointed for a two year term. So that starts April 12, 2017 and will end March 31, 2019 and that’s for all three committees.”
The Accessibility and Enhance PG Committees meet monthly while the Development Design Committee meets weekly as required.
If you’re interested in serving, you’ll need to move fast – the application deadline for all three committees is 5pm today.
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