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HomeNewsBC Government holding open discussion on student progress reports

BC Government holding open discussion on student progress reports

Local parents and education organizations will have the chance to voice their opinion on the new student report card system.

BC’s Ministry of Education is holding an open house in Prince George to discuss the new curriculum implemented at the beginning of the 2016-17 school year for students in Kindergarten to Grade Nine.

School District 57 Board Chair Tim Bennett says feedback he’s received have been mainly complaints, saying student reports have looked the same for a long time.

“The new curriculum is really based on teaching core confidences and how can you report so that parents can get a real idea on how the student is progressing through the year.”

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According to the Ministry, the current system is said to help students with basic abilities like such as reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Bennett believes however, there are other areas of education not in the curriculum that should be highlighted.

“Problem solving skills, communication skills, social responsibility; these intangible things that we’re really working with our students so that we’re producing the best possible graduated adults.”

Prince George is the final community in the government’s province-wide engagement plan to hear directly from parents and Bennett hopes other recent meetings have seen success in bringing the community together.

“We had the rural education strategy; previously, we had the consultations regarding the new grad requirements. We’re hoping that trend continues and that we have a great community turnout.”

The casual meeting takes place Wednesday, February 22nd at Prince George Secondary School, starting at 5PM and ending at 8PM.

Government officials and other members of SD 57 will be present.

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