The Hart Highland Ski Hill is nearing its 50th season of family skiing and outdoor fun, but their short-term future is looking a little blurry.
Vice-President of the Hill’s Executive Board Josh Bergen says they used to get a gaming grant from the BC government, but isn’t aware if that will be renewed later this year.
“That means that any money we got to stay open for gaming, we now have to generate that just off of memberships, volunteer help, and corporate donations.”

During this process however, Bergen emphasizes the Hart Hill is community-based, and they’ll need all the support they can get.
“Watching the kids up the hill, we’ll give them a radio and they go up to the top of the hill and watch to make sure the kids are having a good time and nobody’s getting in trouble. We’ve always got work for volunteers.”
He encourages families and local skiers of all levels to come and check out their facilities.
“It’s probably one of the only places in town that I regularly see parents leave their children and they don’t worry about their safety, so the kids can have a great time and enjoy themselves. It’s a hidden jewel in Prince George.”
Hart Highland has been open since New Year’s Eve; anyone wishing to donate, become a member, or volunteer, you can click here.
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