The Carrier Sekani Tribal Council is hosting community members tonight to celebrate “hard won” progress and give an update on continued engagement with the Province.
Members from the seven Carrier Sekani First Nations – Burns Lake Band, Nadleh Whut’en, Nak’azdli Whut’en, Saik’uz First Nation, Stellat’en First Nation, Takla First Nation and Tl’azt’en Nation- are invited for updates on the Collaboration Agreement and an introduction to the Pathway Forward Agreement.
Tribal Chief Terry Teegee will also reflect on steps the Council and the Province have taken this year, particularly what he feels were successful agreements regarding resource development in the territory.
“Really this is a part of our commitment to our community members that we will inform them and also keep them up to date about some of these very important agreements.”
The event and dinner begin at 5 PM Coast Inn of the North’s Summit Room.
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