The Prince George Ice Oval Society can start looking for improvement funds thanks to Council’s support.
The Ice Oval Society wants to install a $3.7 million cooling system under the ice to stop it from thawing. The money will cover the costs of the pipes, ice surface, concrete base, drainage, and electrical work.
The Society asked Council to put the “unfunded project” in the city’s 2018 capital plan. This support will help the Society leverage money from the Provincial and Federal governments, even though the city isn’t promising a penny.
Society President Kathy Lewis got the answer she was expecting.
“We’d love it if somebody wrote us a cheque for $3.7 million but we knew that that wasn’t going to happen. This decision will at least allow us to start moving forward with our fundraising and with working with different levels of government to come up with the remaining.”
The majority of Council, including Albert Koehler, supported the Society’s request.
“I think (the Society has) done a lot so far and having an ice oval year round, just imagine our sports city. Winter and summer, that will be just great!”
Only Councilor Jillian Merrick wasn’t on board. By supporting an unfunded project, Council isn’t obligated to give the Society any money. Merrick would rather be upfront now than disappoint later.
“We’re looking at a lot of different capital improvements right now and I feel bad giving folks a ‘maybe’ when in the end, it’s probably not going to be a ‘yes,’ at least not on my part.”
Lewis notes the improvements would mean more reliable ice from November to March. Having more control over the quality means confidently scheduling competitions and public events. In the warmer seasons, the concrete base could be used for biking, in-line skating, and roller-skiing.
The group will raise $500,000 itself.
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