It was an exciting day for Veterans across Northern BC as the Prince George Veterans Affairs Office will re-open next May.
Mayor Lyn Hall, says he felt good about the office coming back to life after his recent trip to the Ottawa back in March.
“We had a great meeting with the Minister of Veteran Affairs staff and really got a sense then they really understood we had to have this office re-open in Prince George so I felt pretty good going away.”
Hall adds the timing of the announcement came a little quicker than the city thought.
“We heard there were conversations going on after an interview with CBC and indicated they would reopen nine locations across the country so I think for me it happened a little sooner than anticipated.”
The office will be located on the 4th floor of 299 Victoria Street.
Minister of Veterans Affairs Kent Hehr made the announcement at the Sandman Signature Inn and says it’s a major victory for the local veterans.
“They are overjoyed with the reopening of the Veterans Affairs Office and they’re not only places where they get the help they need it’s also a symbol of our government’s commitment to what their services meant to this great nation.”
Once open, it will staff five employees and service 1,200 Veterans.
400 new employees will be hired across Canada for the 9 offices set to reopen.
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