If you’ve ever waited to turn left from Ferry Avenue onto Ospika, you know the intersection is one of the worst in the city and that fact hasn’t gone unnoticed by city management.
“We definitely had identified this as a need a number of years ago and funding has been approved this year for the design,” says Dave Dyer, General Manager of Engineering and Public Works for the City of Prince George. “We’re just about done the design actually and we hope to be ordering the materials and the controller this fall.”
Dyer says construction disruption should be fairly light as the ducting is already in place.
“It’ll be a standard signalized intersection with left turn movement there. There are some poles that were installed many years ago. We determined that those poles will likely not be used. We’ll be using galvanized poles that will be much more durable.”
The determining factor for the project’s completion will be the delivery of the controller for the traffic signal. Dyer says the hope to order it this fall but delivery can take two months or more.
After the controller arrives, wiring will need to be done and Dyer says the plan is to do that over the winter.
Once the light is installed, Dyer says there will be a little more work to be done.
“The other part of it will be, once the signals are up, to confirm the length of the left turn slot, something we will monitor and consider extending. Those left turn slots may need to be extended depending on how much demand there is for the left turn movement.”
He’s hopeful the installation will be complete by January 2017.
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